For parents: Ma famille et les écrans

For parents: Ma famille et les écrans (Screens within my family)

Throughout the year, Rencontres Audiovisuelles organise actions to support parents with the use of screens and images within their family, through discussions and practice meetings: discussion sessions between parents, parents-children workshops, practise workshops around new technologies…

These actions aim to give keys and reference points to parents but also offer a dedicated time during which they can learn with their children.

The use of internet, tablets, social media, etc. are addressed, with advice and recommendations to prepare children and guide them in their uses, according to their ages; but also ideas to create shared moments between parents and children, films, applications and activities to watch and do as a family.

Alongside these actions, a section dedicated to parents is developed on the Labo des images blog, offering advice, useful informations, recommendations, resources and activities to share as a family around screens.

Time: throughout the year
Place: Hauts-de-France region

The organisation is a PédaGoJeux ambassador, a collective which aims to support the parents in the use of video games by the youngsters.

More information related to the Ma famille et les écrans (Screens within my family) project of the Labo des images (news, ressources articles, archives…) on the website

A few examples of actions:

. Creation of partnership with the City of Lille / City Contracts on the Moulins, Wazemmes, Fives neighbourhoods and the City of Wattrelos / Beaulieu neighbourhood:
– Discussions with parents around the internet and the social media, the use of screens at home, their impact on the children’s and teenagers’ development etc.
– Practice sessions with tablets, around the operation of the internet, the copyright, parental control softwares
– Parents and children games sessions to test their knowledge on screens and tackle the use of screens at home

. Annual projects around screens with the City of Wattignies:
– Interventions among children (quiz on sleep, ages, how long we should use screens, shocking images and the risks/dangers of the Internet)
– Meetings with parents
– Actions in classes with the teachers: reading rally, 1 day without screens kit, etc.
– Organisation of a “No screens Challenge”
