Rencontres Audiovisuelles
New Images: Programming, Education, Innovation
Since 1998, Rencontres Audiovisuelles work around new images in the Hauts-de-France region:
• Programming: the organisation coordinates the International Short Film Festival, creates a yearly programme for a projection venue in Lille (L’hybride), and curates numerous programming actions in the region.
• Education: Rencontres Audiovisuelles organise educational screenings (including an itinerant short film programme, Ciné Soupe, and school screenings), awareness-raising actions, audiovisual creation workshops and artistic practice workshops around images and media education, and offer support to parents and professionals regarding the use of screens by the youngsters (Ma famille et les écrans).
• Innovation: the organisation, through the Video Mapping European Center, supports the development of the video mapping sector in Europe, and particularly in the Hauts-de-France region, through research, training, creation and events (Video Mapping Festival, Video Mapping Contest).
Our values:
• Raising awareness among various audiences: enabling everyone to discover new artistic forms, especially publics distant from culture and the young public.
• Initiating and educating about images: helping to analyse images and to understand the construction of the audiovisual language and its possible uses.
• Supporting creation: offering opportunities for audiovisual creators to showcase their work, especially in the innovative sectors, and stimulating networking.
• Anchoring our actions in a geographic and social environment: cultural actions across the region, work within networks, establishment in the local network thanks to a thorough and local work.
Rencontres Audiovisuelles in figures:
Every year:
More than 100 actions (screenings and/or workshops), including 2 festivals
More than 1 000 hours of image education provided
More than 150 partnerships with regional, national and international structures
More than 350 000 spectators and attendees during the different screenings, workshops and activities
More than 350 image professionals participating in the different activities (workshops, screenings, conferences, residencies…)
250 volunteers involved